Our Before/After school program provides care for children ages 4yrs -12yrs. We offer daily programs that supports growth and development based on the children’s interest and needs. The philosophy of the program is that children learn best through purposeful play-based experience that fosters and support our program statement.
We view each child as being competent, capable and curious. Our program is built on the foundations of belonging, well-being, engagement and expression. These foundations are a vision for all children’s future potential and what they should experience every day.
Strong connections with families, educators and the environment are vital for the healthy growth and development of young children in our program. These will be cultivated through the four foundations for learning, as outlined in “How Does Learning Happen”, Ontario Pedagogy for the Early Years:
- ✓ Each child in our program will have a sense of belonging where they are connected to others and the world around.
- ✓ We aim to cultivate authentic, caring relationships and connections to create a sense of belonging among and between children, adults, and the world around them.
- ✓ Each child in our program will develop a sense of self, health, and well being
- ✓ We aim to provide a program that nurtures children’s healthy development and support their growing sense of self
- ✓ Each child is given the opportunity to be an active and engaged learner who explores the world with body, mind, and senses.
- ✓ Our programs provide environments and experiences that engage children in active, creative, and meaningful exploration, play, and inquiry.
- ✓ We encourage children to be capable communicators and express him or herself in many ways.
- ✓ We foster communication and expression in all forms
Programming is done on a daily basis, based on the needs and interests of the children. The children learn and master through activities and learning opportunities provided for them. This is done in various learning areas. Quality Before and After School care is a triangle of programming in which education and recreation is woven with care. This triangle of programming allows children to increase and build essential skills that they need to become adults.

Kris here is the orignial word document they sent PROGRAMS-FDK